Medicines for pigeons, antibiotic, recovery, vitamins, grit for pigeons, minerals for pigeons, all antibiotics for Racing Pigeons...
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Avivet 100gr - Amoxycillin - bacterial diseases - by Medpet
Avivet 100gr by Medpet is a broad spectrum water-soluble antibiotic for the treatment of a wide rang..
COL-IMMUNITY BOOST 100ml - E-Coli - Giantel
COL-IMMUNITY BOOST by Giantel is the newest technique for optimising the intestinal flora, enabling ..
GROG GOLD 1KG - coccidiosis - atoxoplasmosis - Pantex-Dr. Coutteel
GROG GOLD 1KG by Pantex-Dr. Coutteel is coccidiosis and atoxoplasmosis treatment and prevention in b..
Longstim 200gr - Amoxy/Tyl - respiratory infections - by MedPet
Longstim 200gr by MedPet, a synergistic antibiotic combination for the treatment of Mycoplasmosis an..
Para Control Boost 100ml - Salmonella - Belgica de Weerd
Para Control Boost 100ml by Belgica de Weerd is a new method to stabilize the intestinal flora, enab..
Ronella 250gr - Trichomonas - Hexamita - by Pantex-Dr. Coutteel
RONELLA 250gr by Pantex-Dr. Coutteel is treats most diseases caused by flagellates: Tricho..
Tylodox 100gr - Doxy/Tyl - Ornithosis - Mycoplasmosis - by Medpet
Tylodox 100gr by Medpet is another highly effective respiratory treatment for use in all types of pi..